You have been dreaming of your senior year of high school for a while now…. and probably your senior photos as well. You may also be asking yourself what the heck is all this talk about Model Teams and Rep Teams for photographers that you are seeing and asking yourself why you would need to need to be on a Model Team your senior year? Why not just sign up with a photographer and be done with it?
The answer may surprise you…
(hint) It is all about the EXPERIENCE… and sharing it with friends… and meeting NEW friends!

What is a model team?
Many photographers that work with high school seniors have now adopted some form of team to help spread the word about their business. A model team or rep team is a group of incoming seniors usually selected through a referral or application process that are signed with a photographer to represent their business. While I can’t speak as to what other photographers do for their teams, I can give you some insight as to what I do and WHY it is a great option for your senior year!

How the AMPSENIOR team got started
Every year around November/December I start taking applicants for the next years graduating class to be a part of the AMPSENIOR model team! And what started as a team of about 5 friends several years ago has now become one of the most talked about senior year experiences in the DFW area with my largest team being 32 seniors from all over the Metroplex! My team consists of students from all over including Keller High School, Carroll Senior High School, Nolan High School, Westlake Academy and even reaching to Byron Nelson and Frisco. Because of the increasing interest for the team and limited availability I now do an application process to find the best candidates based on referrals and their questionnaires. But don’t let that scare you…. I just love to work with people that are excited to be a part of something fun. In 2019 I had my largest number of applicants with over 120 local seniors interested in the team! My goal each year is to get a diverse group of seniors from athletes (which includes dance and cheer) to my art students and theater students. I do not take a “one size fits all” approach to my photography but rather focus on individual beauty and talents!
So what does the team do?
My model team becomes the face of my business, AMPSENIORS! Think of the AMPSENIOR Model Team as the Influencers for my brand. And, all you have to do to “represent my brand” is literally BE YOURSELF and have a blast at all the photo shoots and share your fun photos. Sounds easy, right!
What do you get?
The Senior session is just the beginning! As a team member, AMPSENIOR models are part of a large team concept session that they collaborate to plan. In addition, team members also get a TON of fun sessions for anything from Instagram content, seasonal sessions, fashion shoots, vendor sessions and more. I also include all my models in my marketing materials and magazine publications.
But being an AMPSENIOR model does not just include a ton of photo opportunities! AMPSENIOR model team members have the ability to earn a ton of service hours by helping with portrait sessions and also a chance for scholarships and destination sessions!
But seriously, most of all you get to do all these extra fun sessions with your friends and have amazing memories for your senior year!
If all of this sounds super fun and you want MORE information make sure you sign up for my VIP List to be in the know for when I publish the applications for the new team. In the meantime, you can also get tons of great information for planning your senior session whether you use AMPSENIORS or another photographer!
If you are not quite a senior but want info on my AMPSENIORS model team, click below to sign up for my VIP list for studio updates and team info!
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