Ryan | 2018 AMPSenior Model | DFW Senior Portrait Photographer

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Hi, I'm Angela

Time to get the blog caught up with all my gorgeous sessions from my AMPSenior Model Team…

Next up…Meet Ryan!

I was so thrilled to sign this lovely auburn haired beauty to my team.  Ryan is the Varsity Cheer Captain at Birdville High School who has dreams of attending OSU.

What is she passionate about…

I am passionate about my future and getting into my dream college.

Ryan started her session with hair and makeup by my go to girl… Melissa Diaz at Pearls of Beauty.  I HIGHLY recommend professional makeup for your big day… it makes all the difference AND you feel like a million bucks for your photos.  And… if you are shooting in the Texas heat I can guarantee that your makeup will stay in place for your session and look great.

We started in Downtown Fort Worth and then ended in one of my favorite spots for some golden hour shots in her fave dress…Here are some faves from her big day!


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